Paws PR
published March 06, 2014

Let’s help Norton and Trixie find a home!


Photo by: Kathy Tuite Leistner

Yesterday, I met Norton and Trixie, an adorable pair of bonded beagle/hound mixes. This adorable duo is in the compassionate care of the Long Island, NY rescue group, Bobbi & the Strays. They are desperately seeking their forever home. Norton has terminal cancer but doesn’t let it get him down; his playfulness and affectionate demeanor show no sign of his illness. His life-long mate Trixie is mellow and full of love. Both of these sweethearts come with endless amounts of beagle kisses.

Friends, we cannot emphasize the beauty and love that senior pets bring into our lives enough. A favorite saying rings true, “Blessed is the one that earns the love of an old dog.” If you can open your heart and your home to an older dog or cat, you will not regret it. If you can help provide Norton and Trixie with the life they have always deserved, please contact

You can also make a difference simply by sharing this post with your friends and family.  Let’s see what the power of community and social media can do for these sweet dogs!

~ Bariann

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